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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelets rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a very popular injectable procedure for the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring when combined with microneedling.  It is also extremely popular and effective for certain types of hair loss.

PRP uses the patient’s own platelets to enhance the skin’s natural ability to rejuvenate and repair for a plumper more radiant and youthful appearance. Treatment involves a blood draw from the patient to harvest platelet rich plasma. A topical anesthetic will be applied to the treatment area for comfort. The platelet rich plasma is then injected either into the skin to the desired treatment areas or to the scalp areas where hair loss is most noticeable. The results are younger more radiant complexion with less fine lines and wrinkles as well as improved hair growth. Treatment areas include the face, neck, and decolletage. 


PRP is a very safe natural injectable treatment using the patient’s own plasma. Platelets rich plasma therapy uses the patient’s own platelets gathered from a blood draw and then separated during a process called centrifugation. This allows for the separation of blood products into individual components and makes it possible for plasma rich platelets to be harvested for therapy. Plasma contains stem cells and platelets also contain proteins called growth factors that help promote and improve healing. When injected back into the skin PRP accelerates the body’s natural repair process and enhances the production of collagen and elastin. This allows for skin rejuvenation and the improvement of fine line, wrinkles, and overall skin complexion.  It also can help promote various growth factors involved in hair growth and production to combat hair thinning and alopecia.



•    Smoothing and improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring

•    Improvement of over-all skin tone and texture for a smoother more radiant complexion

•    Promotes production of elastin and collagen for a plumper more youthful appearance.  Also known as "Vampire Facial"

•    Can improve alopecia and promote hair growth 


With micro needling is 3 days maximum,

No downtime for hair loss treatments


3-6 months


3 for hair restoration, and 3 for skin rejuvenation one month apart. 

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